Release Notes
December 11, 2022
General changes
- Support for Microcontrollers esp. STM32, with launch of MicroScurid-C library
- Integration into CockroachDB for offering low code global storage for IoT/IIoT data
- Communication between Microcontroller and Scurid Server over protocol buffers
- Renaming Scurid backend to Scurid Server
- Each Scurid Server deployment to generate and manage its own server certificate
Scurid App
- Select and create desired region for data storage
- Simplified flow to create database from the App
- Enhanced user on-boarding process to define data storage region
- Assign agents to data storage region
Scurid Server
- Added TCP server to handle communication with Microcontrollers
- Several new internal APIs for subsystems, and data stream handling
- Region and connection handler for CockroachDB
- Database creation via CockroachDB
- Queries and batch management for data storage
- Create distributed identity (DID)
- Registration of identity with Scurid Server
- Setup TLS connection with Scurid Server
August 15, 2022
General changes
- Add helm pkg management for managed scurid backend #SPA-220
- Add platforminternal service to backend #SPA-188
- Update look and feel for Scurid Platform App #SPA-144
- Enable users to add or remove tags from the identities #SPA-99
- New Scurid Platform App and identity logging visibility
Scurid Backend
- Logging APIs #SPA-230
- Enable authentication on Logging APIs #SPA-237
- Signed critical identity operations logs built-in #SPA-230
- SPA-243 Add licensing check
- Remove the visit button SPA-200
- Rename DID to Device Identity on Identity card #SPA-222
- Make text on the app selectable #SPA-203
- Add auto approve identity setting #SPA-191
- Maintain path structures in post verify process on identities #SPA-139
- Enable path store in Approved identities #SPA-118
- Update client call in the gRPC dart for Scurid platform App #SPA-103
- Enable country search while on-boarding new user
- Make side menu collapsible #SPA-216
Bug Fixes
- Pending identities do not show agent version #SPA-239
- List of related identities to an agent is missing #SPA-238
- For some identities, agent identity is missing #SPA-236
- Pending identities do not show context #SPA-234
- After approval card does not dismiss #SPA-233
- Bad state : No Element error #SPA-231
- Clean installation fails, unable to find subsystems #SPA-214
- A tag can be assigned to an identity multiple times #SPA-180
- Scurid backend crashes when staged folder is empty #SPA-179
- Inconsistent error popup #SPA-130
- Path display inconsistencies #SPA-129
June 13, 2022
General changes
- Enhanced UX with grid and table structure for Scurid Edge Agent and device identities
- Added identities count summary for each agent #SPA-206
- Users will now be able to reference agent identities with alias #SPA-202
Scurid Backend
- Easy identifiable names for agents, when not defined by the user #SPA-209
Bug Fixes
- Incorrect Scurid App binary name #SPA-212
- Fixed empty device context SPA-210
- Fixed Scurid Edge Agent name truncation during window resizing #SPA-201
Scurid Backend
- Fixed issue with new installation unable to find Settings subsystem #SPA-214
- Fixed missing timestamp on Agent identity post reverification process SPA-204